
Company Information

Valitse kieli 

Lingsoft Inc.

Lingsoft is an international full-service language company. The company produces customer services and solutions for example in: translation and terminology, reading and writing tools, search services, text mining, educational programmes, speech applications and ebooks. Lingsoft's products work on all common platforms and software. Lingsoft produces among other things: Seven of Microsoft Office's language proofing components. Lingsoft's solutions come from a continual process of self-development, already setting a world standard in language structural analysis. www.lingsoft.fi http://www.lingsoft.fi/

Ellibs Ltd.

Ellibs Ltd. specialises in the sale, marketing and technology of ebooks. The company represents the cutting edge of the field internationally. Ellibs Ltd. offers customers automated electronic publishing and content management related services. http://www.ellibs.com/


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